Mary Crane Center

Deborah is a consummate professional and has developed and brought several branding and marketing ideas to Mary Crane Center (MCC). She has created and managed MCC’s first digital newsletter and has contributed significantly in developing and launching the new website as well as several initiatives: advertising, news releases, an impact statement, event promotions, and the updated logo design.  She also has worked with great commitment on numerous marketing and communications to expand the public’s knowledge[donor development] of this over 110-year-old early child development organization. Her contribution is much appreciated, and any organization desiring to elevate its relevance in branding, marketing, and messaging will benefit from her leadership and talent.

-Peg Griffiths, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist with a focus on early childhood development, past president of Mary Crane Center, and a Mary Crane board member for over 20 years serving in many leadership roles

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