The Importance of Board Training

by Jeffrey A. Kramer, FACHE, CAE


At the end of the movie: “The Candidate,” Robert Redford’s character has just won his senate race and asks his campaign specialist: “What do we do now?” It is not hard to imagine a new member of your Board of Directors wondering the same thing.

Most often new board members have a limited concept of the role of a board member. All new board members will have a “learning curve.” A board training course will help to shorten the length of the learning period. It will also save time during board meetings having to respond to questions from new board members that could be better answered in a board training program.

More importantly board training provides an opportunity for your board members to get to know one another in an informal, interactive environment. The interaction provided by this training is very helpful for new board members in particular. It helps them to feel more at ease with the board and their colleagues.

The training of new board members will provide many benefits to your association. It provides your board members with a common base of information about association/non-profits. It will also provide specific information about your association and how it functions. Possessing this knowledge will facilitate board discussions enabling the board to focus on the issues at hand. It will also facilitate the board’s decision-making process.

Some of the key topics to be presented in a board training course include:

  • Input from board members: expectations and understanding of the role as a board member
  • Input from current volunteer and staff leadership about the association and board of directors
  • Nature of associations including basic documents (by-laws, strategic plan, etc.)
  • How your association functions
  • Responsibilities and duties of board members
  • Relationship with association members
  • Relationship with CEO and staff

Board training is also important for your current board members as well and should be an ongoing process for all board members. Subsequent sessions could include real-world issues based on board members’ experiences, association hot topics and specific topics relating to how the association functions.

It is strongly recommended that an outside facilitator be hired to conduct your board training. This will ensure impartiality in the presentation of the materials and moderating of the discussions during the program. It will also help put the board members at ease during the discussions.

Board training is a must for all associations given today’s complex operating environment. It will help provide a smooth, seamless transition as board membership changes from year to year.

Jeffrey A. Kramer, FACHE, CAE is a highly skilled individual and problem solver with extensive experience in both the healthcare and association management fields. He has held positions (including executive director and senior staff) that enabled him to become involved with nearly all aspects of the operation and issues of associations.

About Golden Square

Golden Square, a creative branding and marketing agency, provides scalable marketing solutions that focus on your association’s goals when you need it the most. From the starting point, we help define goals, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and processes to reach and optimize your initiatives. We have a proven record of success in membership attainment, donor development, community outreach, educational marketing and more. We elevate your organization in its specific competency and create a top of mind presence as the point-of-authority and premiere organization. It’s branding, communications and marketing with you in mind.®

For more information, visit Let’s start a chat. Contact Jeffrey A. Kramer, FACHE, CAE or Deborah Hodges, MA, President & Managing Principal at or by telephone at 312.675.6080.



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